
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Roloff
- 2003-2009 Study of mechanical engineering at Rostock University
- Since 2010 Ph.D. student at ISUT/LSS
- Member of the International Max Planck Research School for Analysis, Design and Optimization in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering, Magdeburg
- 2012 - 2014 research assistant at German Aerospace Center (DLR) Göttingen, Dep. Experimental Methods
Research activities
- Optical Measurement Techniques (Particle Image Velocimetry, Particle Tracking Velocimetry, Laser Doppler Anemometry)
- Validation measurements inside Phantom models of intracranial aneurysms
- Modeling and dynamic simulation of multistage particle separation in a turbulent fluid flow within the framework of the DFG SPP 1679
A full reference list of the lab can be found under Research
peer-reviewed journal articles
Glöckner, H., Hagemeier, T., Müller, P., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Tomas, J., Beschleunigter Sinkprozess fester Partikel bei laminarer und turbulenter Umströmung. Chem.-Ing.-Tech. (2015) in press, DOI 10.1002/cite.201400025
Hagemeier, T., Glöckner, H., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Tomas, J., Simulation of multi-stage particle classification in zigzag apparatus. Chem. Eng. Technol. 37(5), (2014) 879-887.
Hagemeier, T., Roloff, C., Bück, A. and Tsotsas, E., Estimation of particle dynamics in 2D-fluidized beds using particle tracking velocimetry. Particuol., (2014) in press, DOI 10.1016/j.partic.2014.08.004.
Bordás, R., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Shaw, R., Experimental determination of droplet collision rates in turbulence. New J. Phys. 15(045010), (2013) 1-31.
Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Nickl, R., Mátrai, Z., Szaszák, N., Szabó, S. and Thévenin, D., Investigation of the velocity field in a full-scale model of a cerebral aneurysm. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 43, (2013) 212-219.
Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thévenin, D., Gas flow measurements by 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry using coloured tracer particles. Flow Turbul. Combust. 88, (2012) 343-365.
Bendicks, C., Tarlet, D., Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thévenin, D., Improved 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry with coloured particles. J. Signal Inform. Proc. 2, (2011) 59-71.
articles in conference proceedings
Roloff, C., Berg, P., Bendicks, C., Zähringer, K., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Flow investigation inside a cerebral giant aneurysm. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 330/1-8, 2014.
Politz, C., Roloff, C., Geisler, R. and Schröder, A.: Free flight boundary layer investigations by means of Particle Image Velocimetry. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 132/1-9, 2014.
Hagemeier, T., Roloff, C., Bück, A. and Tsotsas, E.: Comparative study on optical measurement techniques for the estimation of particle velocities in dense two-phase flows. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 134/1-15, 2014.
Schröder, A., Schanz, D., Roloff, C., Michaelis, D., Lagrangian and Eulerian dynamics of coherent structures in turbulent flow over periodic hills using time-resolved tomo PIV and 4D-PTV "Shake-the-box". In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 320/1-12, 2014.
Berg, P., Roloff, C., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Vergleich zwischen hämodynamischer Simulation und optischer Lasermessung des Blutflusses in zwei zerebralen Aneurysmen. In: 17. IFF-Wissenschaftstage "Digitales Engineering zum Planen, Testen und Betreiben technischer Systeme", (M. Schenk, Ed.), Magdeburg, Germany, Paper 137, 2014.
Roloff, C., Berg, P., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Particle Image Velocimetry for validation of aneurysm blood flow simulations - comparison of planar and stereo-technique. In: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, (Oñate, E., Oliver, X. and Huerta, A., Eds.), Paper MS052A-5, 2014.
Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Serowy, S., Thévenin, D. and Skalej, M.: Measurements inside phantom models of cerebral aneurysms using planar PTV. In: 21. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Munich, Germany, GALA, ISBN 978-3-9805613-9-6, 49/1-9, 2013.
Roloff, C., Zähringer, K. and Thévenin, D.: Error quantification of particle position estimation on colour images for Particle Tracking Velocimetry. In: 16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 257/1-257/12, 2012.
Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Zähringer, K. and Thévenin, D.: Particle Tracking Velocimetry with fluorescent micro-particles. In: microCAD’11 International Scientific Conference, (Bikfalvi, P., Ed.), Miskolc, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-661-957-2, 73-80, 2011.
Roloff, C., Öncül, A., Thévenin, D., Genzel, Y. and Reichl, U.: Simulation der Kultivierung adhärenter Zellen in Wave-Bioreaktoren. In: Tagung "Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen", Potsdam, 2011.
Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Tarlet, D., Thévenin, D., Zähringer, K. and Wunderlich, B.: 3D-PTV in gas flows using fluorescent micro-particles. In: 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Daegu, Korea, 1-11, 2010.
book chapter
Politz, C., Roloff, C., Lawson, N., Particle image Velocimetry. In: F. Boden (Hrsg.), AIM² Advanced Flight Testing Workshop - Handbook of advanced in-flight measurement techniques. S. 101-110, BoD, Norderstedt, ISBN: 978-3-7322-3740-1