
Description of the Lab




At the end of 2002 Prof. Dominique Thévenin took over the former Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics. At the same time, the former Lab. of Turbomachines was merged into the new structure, now called Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows (Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik und Strömungstechnik, abbreviated LSS). Due to these changes new research topics have appeared at the Laboratory, centered on the investigation of complex flows, numerically as well as experimentally. A strong development in the field of CFD has also taken place. But existing research directions (for example the application of Particle Image Velocimetry to turbomachines, two-phase flows, flows with complex rheological properties) will be pursued.

Cooperations, conferences and Summer Schools:

          • A few of our closest partners
          • Die nächste Veranstaltung im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenzreihe „Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow“ wird Ende August 2025 in Budapest unter Federführung von Prof. Thévenin stattfinden, mit zusätzlichen Workshops unserer Gruppe.
          • Im Juni 2025 organisiert unsere Gruppe in Magdeburg den „2nd International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems
          • Prof. Thévenin was the Chairman of the event within the International Conference Series entitled "Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow“ in the first week of September 2022. Our group organized there two workshop, regarding „DEM-CFD“ and "Biomedical Flows“.
          • The ERCOFTAC Conference "Simulation of Multiphase Flows in Gasification and Combustion" (Dresden, September 2011) has been a large success, involving more than 70 participants.
          • The ERCOFTAC Summer-School "Large-Eddy Simulation and its Application in Aeroacoustics" (Hungary, September 2008) has been a large success, involving more than 30 participants.
          • Prof. Thévenin has organized the ERCOFTAC Summer-School on "DNS of reacting and two-phase flows" (Berlin, 02. to 08.09.2007).
          • Prof. Thévenin has also co-organized the ERCOFTAC Summer School on "LES of reacting flows" (Thessaloniki, Sept. 5th to 11th, 2004).

Informationen for private companies:

Information for private companies: selected examples aus der Research Database from Saxony-Anhalt



further useful Links


Last Modification: 27.02.2025 - Contact Person: Dominique Thevenin