
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Roloff

Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)




  • Validierungsmessungen an Modellen intrakranieller Aneurysmen



  • Modellierung und dynamische Simulation mehrstufiger Partikel-Querstromtrennungen in einem turbulenten Fluidstrom im Rahmen des DFG SPP 1679



  • Eine Gesamtübersicht über Publikationen des Lehrstuhls ist unter der Rubrik Forschung zu finden

begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel

Glöckner, H., Hagemeier, T., Müller, P., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Tomas, J., Beschleunigter Sinkprozess fester Partikel bei laminarer und turbulenter Umströmung. Chem.-Ing.-Tech. (2015) in press, DOI 10.1002/cite.201400025

Hagemeier, T., Glöckner, H., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Tomas, J., Simulation of multi-stage particle classification in zigzag apparatus. Chem. Eng. Technol. 37(5), (2014) 879-887.

Hagemeier, T., Roloff, C., Bück, A. and Tsotsas, E., Estimation of particle dynamics in  2D-fluidized beds using particle tracking velocimetry. Particuol., (2014) in press, DOI 10.1016/j.partic.2014.08.004.

Bordás, R., Roloff, C., Thévenin, D. and Shaw, R., Experimental determination of droplet collision rates in turbulence. New J. Phys. 15(045010), (2013) 1-31.

Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Nickl, R., Mátrai, Z., Szaszák, N., Szabó, S. and Thévenin, D., Investigation of the velocity field in a full-scale model of a cerebral aneurysm. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 43, (2013) 212-219.

Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thévenin, D., Gas flow measurements by 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry using coloured tracer particles. Flow Turbul. Combust. 88, (2012) 343-365.

Bendicks, C., Tarlet, D., Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thévenin, D., Improved 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry with coloured particles. J. Signal Inform. Proc. 2, (2011) 59-71.

Artikel in Kongressband

Roloff, C., Berg, P., Bendicks, C., Zähringer, K., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Flow investigation inside a cerebral giant aneurysm. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 330/1-8, 2014.

Politz, C., Roloff, C., Geisler, R. and Schröder, A.: Free flight boundary layer investigations by means of Particle Image Velocimetry. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 132/1-9, 2014.

Hagemeier, T., Roloff, C., Bück, A. and Tsotsas, E.: Comparative study on optical measurement techniques for the estimation of particle velocities in dense two-phase flows. In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 134/1-15, 2014.

Schröder, A., Schanz, D., Roloff, C., Michaelis, D., Lagrangian and Eulerian dynamics of coherent structures in turbulent flow over periodic hills using time-resolved tomo PIV and 4D-PTV "Shake-the-box". In: 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 320/1-12, 2014.

Berg, P., Roloff, C., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Vergleich zwischen hämodynamischer Simulation und optischer Lasermessung des Blutflusses in zwei zerebralen Aneurysmen. In: 17. IFF-Wissenschaftstage "Digitales Engineering zum Planen, Testen und Betreiben technischer Systeme", (M. Schenk, Ed.), Magdeburg, Germany, Paper 137, 2014.

Roloff, C., Berg, P., Janiga, G. and Thévenin, D.: Particle Image Velocimetry for validation of aneurysm blood flow simulations - comparison of planar and stereo-technique. In: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, (Oñate, E., Oliver, X. and Huerta, A., Eds.), Paper MS052A-5, 2014.

Roloff, C., Bordás, R., Serowy, S., Thévenin, D. and Skalej, M.: Measurements inside phantom models of cerebral aneurysms using planar PTV. In: 21. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Munich, Germany, GALA, ISBN 978-3-9805613-9-6, 49/1-9, 2013.

Roloff, C., Zähringer, K. and Thévenin, D.: Error quantification of particle position estimation on colour images for Particle Tracking Velocimetry. In: 16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 257/1-257/12, 2012.

Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Zähringer, K. and Thévenin, D.: Particle Tracking Velocimetry with fluorescent micro-particles. In: microCAD’11 International Scientific Conference, (Bikfalvi, P., Ed.), Miskolc, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-661-957-2, 73-80, 2011.

Roloff, C., Öncül, A., Thévenin, D., Genzel, Y. and Reichl, U.: Simulation der Kultivierung adhärenter Zellen in Wave-Bioreaktoren. In: Tagung "Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen", Potsdam, 2011.

Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Tarlet, D., Thévenin, D., Zähringer, K. and Wunderlich, B.: 3D-PTV in gas flows using fluorescent micro-particles. In: 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Daegu, Korea, 1-11, 2010.


Politz, C., Roloff, C., Lawson, N., Particle image Velocimetry. In: F. Boden (Hrsg.), AIM² Advanced Flight Testing Workshop - Handbook of advanced in-flight measurement techniques. S. 101-110, BoD, Norderstedt, ISBN: 978-3-7322-3740-1

Letzte Änderung: 24.07.2020 - Ansprechpartner: Dominique Thevenin