Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Thévenin

Prof. Dominique Thévenin, Head of group
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)
Gebäude 14, Universitätsplatz 2,
39106, Magdeburg,
- born in: 1966
- end of study - Engineering degree of Ecole Polytechnique, France: 1989
(Specialisation:Fluid Mechanics & Aerospace) - Ph.D. Thesis of the Ecole Centrale Paris: 1992
- Habilitation: 1999
- Former research activity at the Energetics EM2C Laboratory
- since October 2002: Director of the Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flow
- Doctor honoris causa of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Dean of the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering 2016-2022
Selected Research Topics
- Fluid Dynamics with emphasis on complex flows, for example involving chemical reactions
- Coupling CFD with optimization, Improved numerical techniques
- Direct Numerical Simulation for fundamental problems and consequences for model development (RANS,LES)
- Further development and validation of industrial codes for complex configurations
- Compulsory course: Fluid Dynamics (Basics: Bachelor level)
- Compulsory course: Advanced Fluid Dynamics (Master level)
- Compulsory course: Turbomachines
- Optional course: Rheology and Rheometry
- Optional course with hands-on: Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Head of the Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics since 2004
- Prodean of the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering since 2006
- See full reference list of the lab here
- Personal reference list of Prof. D. Thévenin until 2003 (PDF)
Here you can find a selection of projects