flamefront |
plots flamefront based on a user defined variable optionally between user defined boundaries; returns values of that variable between boundaries; cuts off values out off that boundaries |
flamelength |
calculates length of a flame defined as an isolevel of a variable, does not stop if flame consists of several parts |
flamethicklin |
calculate thickness of a flame defined as an isolevel of a variable between user defined isovalues along a single linear cut normal to flamefront |
flamethicklinb |
batchmod of flamethicklin, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicklinblongp |
batchmod of flamethicklin, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, consideres periodic boundary conditions plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicklintherm |
calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single linear cut normal to flamefront |
flamethicklinthermb |
batchmod of flamethicklintherm, calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along linear cuts through flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicknonlin |
calculates thickness of a flame defined as an isolevel of a variable between user defined isovalues along a single non linear cut |
flamethicknonlinb |
batchmod of flamethicknonlin, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicknonlintherm |
calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single non linear cuts through flamefront |
flamethicknonlinbtherm |
batchmod of flamethicknonlintherm, calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along non linear cuts through flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethickc |
calculates flamethickness between c=0.01 and c=0.99 in a user defined location |
flamethickcb |
batchmod of flamethickc, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs flamefront |
normal |
calculates normal vectors in a 2d field |
normtoff |
calculates and plots normal vectors to user defined isolevel (of flamefront) |
crestline |
computes and plots crestline, (line of peak-values), plots values along crestline |
crestlength |
calculates length of flame defined as crestline, does not stop if flame consists of several parts |
flamethicklincrest |
calculates thickness of a flame defined as the crestline of a variable between user defined isovalues along a linear cut normal to the crestline in a single point |
flamethicklincrestb |
batchmod of flamethicklincrest, calculates flamethickness along crestline, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicknonlincrest |
calculates thickness of a flame defined as the crestline of a variable between user defined isovalues along a non linear cut in a certain location |
flamethicknonlincrestb |
batchmod of flamethicknonlincrest, calculates flamethickness along crestline, plots thickness vs. flamefront |
flamethicklinthermcrest |
calculates thermal thickness of a flame defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single linear cut through flamefront; the flame is defined as crestline of user defined variable |
flamethicklinthermcrestb |
batch modus of flamethicklinthermcrest; calculates thermal thickness of a flame along linear cuts through flamefront; the flame is defined as crestline of user defined variable; plots thermal thickness vs. crestline |
flamethicknonlinthermcrest |
calculates thermal thickness of a flame defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single non linear cut through flamefront; the flame is defined as crestline of user defined variable |
flamethicknonlinthermcrestb |
batch modus of flamethicknonlinthermcrest; calculates thermal thickness of a flame along non linear cuts through flamefront; the flame is defined as crestline of user defined variable; plots thermal thickness vs. crestline |
normtocrest |
calculates and plots normal vectors in the points of the crestline |