Post processing toolbox for 2d and 3d DNS and experimental results of turbulent reacting flows
geometrical tools
Name | discription |
flamefront3 | plots flamefront based on a user defined variable |
surfarea | calculates flame surface area defined as triangulated patch; plots the surface |
flamefrontslice | plots orthogonal slice through flame front |
slicebatchorth | batch of orthogonal slices through domain |
flamethicklin3 | calculates thickness of a flame between user defined isovalues along a linear cut in a certain location between user defined boundaries |
flamethicklin3b | batchmod of flamethicklin3, calculates flamethicknesses along linear cuts in user defined points of flame surface between user defined boundaries, plots histogram of distribution of flame thicknesses |
flamethicklin3b2 | batchmod of flamethicklin3, calculates flamethicknesses along linear cuts in several points of flame surface between user defined boundaries, plots histogram of distribution of flame thicknesses |
flamethicklintherm3 | calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single linear cut normal to flamefront |
flamethicklinthermb3 | batchmod of flamethicklintherm3, calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradients along linear cuts through flamefront, plots histogram of distribution of flame thickness |
flamethickc3 | calculates flamethickness between c=0.01 and c=0.99 in a user defined location |
flamethickcb3 | batchmod of flamethickc3, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots histogram of distribution of flame thickness |
normal3 | calculates normal vectors in a 3d field |
normtoff3 | calculates and plots normal vectors to user defined isolevel (of flamefront) |
crestbatchz | computes and plots crestlines in orthogonal slices, computes and plots coordinates of crest-surface |
flamethicknonlin3 | calculates thickness of a flame between user defined isovalues along a single non linear cut |
flamethicknonlin3b | batch modus of flamethicknonlin3; calculates thickness of a flame between user defined isovalues along non linear cuts in user defined points on the surface; plots histogram of thicknesses |
flamethicknonlin3b2 | batch modus of flamethicknonlin3; calculates thickness of a flame between user defined isovalues along non linear cuts in several points on the surface; plots histogram of thicknesses |
flamethicknonlintherm3 | calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradient along a single non-linear cut through to flamefront |
flamethicknonlinthermb3 | batchmod of flamethicknonlintherm3, calculates thermal flamethickness defined by maximum temperature gradients along non linear cuts through flamefront, plots histogram of distribution of flame thickness |
structure tools
Name | discription |
flamehot3 | determines a user defined "burning" region of the flame; cuts off values out of that region; calculates values of a second user defined variable in that region |
extract3 | extracts values of a variable along an isosurface of another one |
extractbatch | extracts values of a variable along an isovalue of an other one in orthogonal 2d slices |
linextract3 | draws a linear cut normal to the flame front through the whole domain |
lincut3 | draws linear cut through flame between user defined boundaries, extracts values of user defined variable along the cut |
intcutlin3 | computes integral value of variable along linear cut in user defined location |
intcutlin3b | batch modus of intcutlin3, computes integral values of a variable in several points on flame surface |
nonlinextract3 | draws a nonlinear cut through flame front following the gradient of flame front |
nonlincut3 | draws nonlinear cut through flame front between user defined boundaries, extracts values of user defined variable along the cut |
intcutnonlin3 | computes integralvalue of variable along nonlinear cut in user defined location, plots the cut |
intcutnonlin3b | batch modus of intcutnonlin3, computes integral values of a variable along nonlinear cuts in several points on flame surface |
colorplot3 | plots values of extracted variable along flame front and corresponding histogram |
flameindex3 | calculates and plots flame index |
reacprog3 | calculates and plots reaction progress variable |
reacprog3co2 | calculates and plots reaction progress variable and surface density function |
mixfrac3 | calculates mixture fraction of H2 flames according to formula of Bilger |
mixfracspec3 | calculates mixture fractions of H2 flames based on species H2, O2, N2 according to the formulae (3.12), (3.101), (3.103) in Poisont/ Veynante |
mixfracsyng3 | calculates mixture fraction of syngas flames according to formula of Bilger |
mixfracssyngpec3 | calculates mixture fractions of syngas flames based on species H2, O2, N2 according to the formulae (3.12), (3.101), (3.103) in Poisont/ Veynante |
scalardiss3_f | calculates scalar dissipation rate in a 3d field based on mixture fraction f< |
scalardiss3_c | calculates scalar dissipation rate in a 3d field based on reaction progress variable c< |
statistical tools
Name | discription |
maxi_3d | finds maximum value of a variable and its coordinates |
mini_3d | finds minimum value of a variable and its coordinates |
condmean3filt | calculates mean, minimum, maximum and rms values of a variable conditioned on mixture fraction or reaction progress variable, it is possible to consider only a defined range of variable or varcond |
condmean33filt | calculates mean, minimum, maximum and rms values of a variable conditioned on an arbitrary one, it is possible to consider only a defined range of variable or varcond |
correlationex3 | plots correlation between two one dimensional variables extracted along flame surface |
correlationgen3 | plots correlation between two one dimensional variables |
varstat3 | calculates central moments of order one to four of a variable in matrix orm, plots histogram and pdf of the distribution |
statbivar3d | calculates bidimensional pdf of two variables; plots pdf as surface and as contourplot |
compdf3of | calculates true, gaussion and beta pdf of a not Favre-averaged variable; plots the pdf's |
interaction tools
Name | discription |
curv3new | calculates mean, Gauss and principal curvature values of a 3d field |
curvlev3new | calculates curvature along user defined isolevel |
strainrate3 | calculates strain rate components of a 3d field |
strnlev3 | calculates strain rate components along user defined isolevel |
shapefactor | calculates shapefactor, plots histogram and pdf of shapefactor |
frontvelslice | orthogonal slice through flame front and velocity field |
vel and turb tools
Name | discription |
streamlines3 | plots stream lines of 3d velocity field starting in user defined points |
streamsliceplot3 | plots orthogonal slice through 3d velocity field |
streamslicebatch | batch modus of streamslice3 |
quivplot3 | plots velocity vectors of a 3d velocity field as arows |
coneplot3 | plots velocity vectors of a 3d velocity field as cones |
ekinturb3 | computes and plots velocity fluctuations, computes turbulent kinetic energy in physical space |
lesfilter3d | filters a cube matrix in physical space |
corrfunctionall3all | calculates and plots longitudinal velocity correlation coefficient along lines |
corrfunctall3allcol | calculates and plots longitudinal velocity correlation coefficient along lines |
taylor3 | calculates 3D micro-scales of taylor |
dissip3dord2 | calculates dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy of a 3D velocity field|using second order scheme for gradients |
dissip3dord4 | calculates dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy of a 3D velocity field using fourth order scheme for gradients |
dissip3dord6 | calculates dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy of a 3D velocity field using sixth order scheme for gradients |
vort3dord2 | calculates vorticity of a 3D velocity field using second order scheme for gradients |
vort3dord4 | calculates vorticity of a 3D velocity field using fourth order scheme for gradients |
vort3dord6 | calculates vorticity of a 3D velocity field using sixth order scheme for gradients |
spectrum3d | calculates and plots energy spectrum of a 3D velocity field calculates integral length scale |
slope3 | verifies -5/3 slope of turbulent kinetic energy in spectrum plot spectrum and slope |
parallelized tools
Name | discription |
flamethicklin3b2mp | parallelized mod of flamethicklin3b2, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see flamethicklin3b2 |
flamethicknonlin3b2mp | parallelized mod of flamethicknonlin3b2, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see flamethicknonlin3b2 |
flamethicklintherm3b2mp | parallelized mod of flamethicklinthermb3, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see flamethicklinthermb3 |
flamethicklinnontherm3b2mp | parallelized mod of flamethicknonlinthermb3, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see flamethicknonlinthermb3 |
intcutlin3bmp | parallelized mod of intcutlin3b, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see intcutlin3b |
intcutnonlin3bmp | parallelized mod of intcutnonlin3b, calculates flamethickness along flamefront, plots thickness vs. flamefront, for input/ output arguments see intcutnonlin3b |