2006 - 2010


10/16 M.Sc. Alper Öncül (LSS)
Simulation of interacting populations in inhomogeneous flows using reduced models

10/15 Dipl.-Ing. Robert Bordás (LSS)
Influence of turbulence on droplet-droplet interactions

10/14 M.Sc. Santhosh Seshadhri (LSS)
Virtual intracranial stenting using CFD

10/13 Dr.-Ing. Torsten Schenkel (KIT, Inst. Strömungslehre)
Blutströmung im schlagenden menschlichen Herzen

10/12 Prof. Rodney Fox (Iowa State Univ.)
Kinetic theory models for multiphase flows

10/11 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse (T.U. Freiberg)
Flamelet analysis and DNS of oxydation processes

10/10 Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Roloff (LSS)
Particle Tracking Velocimetry with fluorescent tracers

10/09 M.Sc. Hai Yu (LSS)
Simulation of red blood cell damage

10/08 M.Sc. Luis Medeiros (LSS)
Optimizing turbulence models for RANS simulations

10/07 Dipl.-Ing. Róbert Bordás (LSS)
Experimental measurements and collisions in sprays

10/06 M.Sc. Pascal Pöschko (IAUT/AAA)
Modellierung der Wirkung von Wassernebellöschdüsen auf Flüssigkeitsbrände

10/05 Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hagemeier (LSS)
Numerical simulations of sprays and films

10/04 M.Sc. Santhosh Seshadhri (LSS)
Simulation of stented aneurysms

10/03 Prof. Jari Hämälainen (Univ. of Kuopio, Finland)
Optimization in papermaking

10/02 Dipl.-Ing. Christiane Zistl (LSS)
Post-processing of Direct Numerical Simulations

10/01 Dr.-Ing. Gábor Janiga (LSS)
CFD-based optimization


09/17 M.Sc. Rama Ayyagari (LSS)
Drag reduction using carbon fibers

09/16 Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Lehwald (LSS)
Charakterisierung eines statischen Strömungsmischers mit chemischer Reaktion

09/15 M.Sc. Alper Öncül (LSS)
CFD of wave reactors with cell carriers/O2 transport

09/14 M.Sc. Mohamed Mohamed (LSS)
Optimization of Savonius turbines

09/13 Prof. L. Baranyi (Univ. Miskolc)
Vortex shedding triggering by cylinder oscillation for very low Reynolds numbers

09/12 M.Sc. G. Fru (LSS)
Turbulent flames simulated on supercomputers

09/11 M.Sc. T. Chittipotula (LSS)
Prediction of soot emissions in turbulent flames

09/10 Dr.-Ing. O. Imberdis (Volkswagen AG & LSS)
Turbulent flow structures induced by an engine intake port

09/09 M.Sc. H. Yu (LSS)
Numerical investigation of a rotating system using OpenFOAM

09/08 Prof. K. Matsubara (Niigata Univ., Japan, guest of LSS)
Direct Numerical Simulation study on orderly structures of turbulence and heat transfer

09/07 Dr.-Ing. H. Shalaby (IdF, ehem. LSS)
Numerical simulation of fire suppression by using FDS

09/06 Dipl.-Ing. T. Hagemeier (LSS)
Numerical simulations of sprays and films

09/05 M.Sc. L. Medeiros (LSS)
Optimization of model parameters for CFD in chemical engineering

09/04 Dipl.-Ing. R. Bordás (LSS)
Experimental measurements in sprays with controlled flow structures

09/03 M.Sc. S. Seshadhri (LSS)
Blood flow in aneurysms under pulsatile conditions

09/02 Prof. M. Floryan (Univ. of Western Ontario)
Induced polarization effects in liquid droplets

09/01 Dipl.-Ing. N. Krause (LSS)
Untersuchung der Laufradströmung einer Kreiselpumpe unter Teillastbedingungen mit Hilfe der zeitaufgelösten Particle Image Velocimetry


08/17 M. Sc. A. Öcül (LSS)
Characterization of unsteady flow in wave reactors

08/16 Dr.-Ing. D. Tarlet (LSS)
Particle-Tracking-Velocimetry in 3D gas flows

08/15 Dipl.-Ing. H. Kröger & Prof. N. Kornev (LTT/U. Rostock)
Premixed flame propagation in free vortices

08/14 M.Sc. T. Chittipotula (LSS)
Prediction of soot emissions in turbulent flames

08/13 M.Sc. G. Fru (LSS)
Simulation of turbulent flames and post-processing

08/12 cand. M.Sc. R.V. Ayyagari (LSS)
Contribution to the development of a new PTV method

08/11 M.Sc. M. Mohamed (LSS)
Optimization of renewable energy turbomachines

08/10 Dipl.-Ing. A. Lehwald (LSS)
Charakterisierung eines statischen Strömungsmischers ohne und mit chemischer Reaktion

08/09 cand. M.Sc. L.G.M. de Souza (LSS)
Reconstruction of a distribution from a finite number of its moments

08/08 Dipl.-Ing. R. Bordás (LSS)
Experimental investigation of air/droplet interactions

08/07 Prof. R. Shaw (Leibniz-Inst. Leipzig)
Droplet collisions in turbulent clouds

08/06 Dipl.-Ing. T. Hagemeier (LSS)
Experimentelle Charakterisierung einer Zweiphasen-Luft-Wasserspray-Strömung

08/05 M.Sc. S. Seshradi (LSS)
Modelling blood flows in a cerebral aneurysm

08/04 Dr. H. Shalaby (LSS)
Direct Numerical Simulation of flame acoustics

08/03 cand.ing. P. Fodor (Uni Miskolc, Ungarn)
Comparing LDA and PTV in a small-scale wind-tunnel

08/02 cand.ing. P. Bencs (Uni Miskolc, Ungarn)
Instationäre Strömungsphänomene in Energiewandlungsmaschinen

08/01 Prof. G. Brenner (TU Clausthal)
Instationäre Strömungsphänomene in Energiewandlungsmaschinen


07/17 M.Sc. G. Fru (LSS)
Direct simulation of flames using tabulated chemistry

07/16 Prof. F. Maus (TU Cottbus)
Nutzung von detaillierten chemischen Mechanismen in technischen Brennkammern

07/15 Dr.-Ing. L. Baranyi (Univ. Miskolc, Ungarn)
Numerical simulation of low Reynolds number flow around an orbiting cylinder placed in a uniform stream

07/14 M.Sc. R. Sethuraman (LSS)
Optimization of chemical reactors using CFD

07/13 M.Sc. A. Öncül (LSS)
Coupled simulations of flow and particle populations

07/12 cand. Ing. Tobias Kurt (LSS)
Numerische Simulation der Rußbildung in turbulenten Diffusionsflammen

07/11 Dipl.-Ing. R. Bordás (LSS)
Using coloured tracers for PTV in gas flows

07/10 Prof. Dr. E. Bodenschatz (MPI Göttingen)
New developments concerning Particle-Tracking-Velocimetry (PTV)

07/09 Dipl.-Ing. N. Krause (LSS)
Experimentelle Untersuchung des rotating stall in einer Kreiselpumpe

07/08 Prof. Dr. G. Kosyna (TU Braunschweig)
Forschungsaktivitäten am Pfleiderer-Institut für Strömungsmaschinen

07/07 M.Sc. S. Seshradi (LSS)
Investigation of flow conditions in aneurysms

07/06 Dr.-Ing. H. Shalaby (LSS)
Acoustic waves interacting with turbulent flames

07/05 cand. Dr.-Ing. Peter Weigand (DLR)
Untersuchungen akustischer Instabilitäten von Drallflammen mit Lasermessverfahren

07/04 cand. Ing. Tobias Kurt (LSS)
Simulation der Kristallbildung in komplexen inhomogenen Strömungen

07/03 cand. M. Sc. Rajesh D. Parmar (LSS und Robert Bosch GmbH - Stuttgart)
Acoustics and Thermoacoustics: Transfer matrix approach, characterization of a premixed laminar flame

07/02 Dr.-Ing. G. Janiga (LSS)
Optimierung der Modellparameter für die numerische Simulation turbulenter Strömungen

07/01 Dr.-Ing. G. Janke (Schuberth Engineering AG)
F&E-Arbeiten bzgl. Strömung und Akustik bei der Entwicklung hochwertiger Helme


06/13 Cand. M. Sc. R. Parmar (LSS/Bosch)
Determining transfer functions to investigate flame acoustics

06/12 M. Sc. A. Bourig (LSS/Univ. Orléans)
Structure of flames involving excited oxygen molecules

06/11 Cand. M. Sc. Santosh Seshadhri (LSS / Labor für Biofluidmechanik der Charité Berlin)
Improvement and investigation of a cardiac valve tester

06/10 Dipl.-Ing. N. Krause, (LSS)
Einfluss der Schaufelform hinsichtlich der Strömung im Laufrad einer Pumpe unter Teillastbedingungen

06/09 Dipl.-Ing. S. Leschka, (LSS)
Simultane LIF-PIV-Messungen in einem statischen Mischer

06/08 Dipl.-Ing. R. Bordas, (LSS)
Improved Particle-Tracking-Velocimetry method for gas flows

06/07 Dipl.-Ing. B. Kothe, (KSB)
Technische Probleme und Herausforderungen für Abwasserpumpen

06/06 Dr.-Ing. A. Laverdant, (ONERA)
DNS of a non-premixed flame. Consideration on noise emission.

06/05 Prof. H.-J. Kecke, (LSS)

06/04 Dipl.-Ing. M. Benke, (T.U. Miskolc)
Optimization of the air-gas ratio in a swirl burner

06/03 T. Hagemeier, (LSS)
Improved Laser-Doppler-Anemometry for two-phase flows involving droplets

06/02 M.Sc. H. Shalaby, (LSS)
Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation of compressible reacting flows for flame/acoustic interaction

06/01 Dipl.-Ing. S. Leschka, (LSS)
Experimentelle Untersuchung eines statischen Mischers

Letzte Änderung: 04.04.2023 - Ansprechpartner: Dominique Thevenin