

  • returns the integral value of a variable along a single linear cut across the flame front
  • the flame is defined as a crestline
  • the cut is determined using the tool lincutcrest
  • the integral uses the values of variable and the values of the gradient of fdefine along the cut and the matlab tool trapz for the integration
  • plots the cut and variable along the cut
  • for batch modus along curvilinear coordinate of crestline use intcutlincrestb





example for input



input arguments

Name description
X,Y vectors defining the rectangular domain
XS,YS coordinates of starting point of the cut
NXS,NYS components of normal vector defining the direction of the cut
dl steps between two iterations
varbound variable defining the boundaries the flame front
variable variable to be extracted along the cut
CREST coordinates of crestline defining the flamefront
s switch (choose level, iso1,iso2 is rel. or absolut) optional input argument, only necessary for iso1 and iso2
iso1, iso2 isolevels defining boundaries of flame front (e.g. 0.9, 0.1) optional input arguments

output arguments

Name description
intvar integralvalue of variable along the cut
plot cut, variable along cut

toolbox tools required

matlab tools required

  • trapz

corresponding 3d tool

Letzte Änderung: 24.02.2015 - Ansprechpartner: Dominique Thevenin