- extracts values of a variable along an isolevel of an other one and
- plots extracted values along a curvilinear coordinate of the isolevel
- the curvilinear coordinate is calculated using the matlab tool contourc
- in order to compare several flames the curvilinear coordinate always runs from top to bottom
- calculates and plots pdf of extracted values
example for input
input arguments
Name | description |
X,Y | vectors defining the rectangular domain |
fdefine | variable defining the flame front (e.g. Z) |
level | value of fdefine, defining the flame front, e.g.(0.5) |
variable | variable to be extracted along flamefront |
s | switch (choose level, iso1,iso2 is rel. or absolut) |
fig | switch (choose plot figures or not) |
output arguments
Name | description |
xiso, yiso | carthetic coordinates of fdefine |
siso | curvilinear coordinates of fdefine |
variso | extracted values of variable |
fprob | (normalized)values of pdf |
plot | extracted values along curvilinear coordinate histogram and pdf of extracted values |
matlab tools required
- contourc
- interp2